Tuesday, March 10, 2009


In the spirit of TT, I have yet another suitor who likes to say "Howdy."

I went on a second date with the guy I had the museum date with. His name is BottleRocket. He just sent me an email in which the subject line read "howdy:"

Hey, that was fun the other night. I especially liked talking and walking and thinking on our feet. I think next time, however, we might want to spend a little more time kissing and less time walking and talking. Don't you think?


Um...what do I do if the answer is "no?" Does that mean I don't like this guy? I just don't think I'm ready. I slept with Narc again-- twice. God, I need help...


1 comment:

shorty said...

Ween yourself slowly if you need to. That's dating.

Just respond that you like walking and talking and the date was just as you wanted it. Kissing is fine, but you're deeper than that. lol. Not those words exactly.